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Enhanced 9-1-1 service
- Details
- Published on Monday, 12 May 2014 18:49
WTRT offers state of the art Enhanced 9-1-1 service to our communities. When you call 9-1-1 on your landline telephone, your exact location and phone number will appear to the 9-1-1 Emergency Services Center, allowing them to dispatch emergency services when you need it most.
If you call 9-1-1 on a wireless telephone, you may encounter a garbled connection or get dropped. You will also need to be able to tell the 9-1-1 Associate where you are. Cell phones can’t provide your location if you can’t speak or you don’t know where you are. The Wall Street Journal article at the following link: outlines problems with wireless calling to 9-1-1.
Trust a landline when you need emergency services.