Is Fiber Safe
Is Fiber to the Premise (FTTP) Safe? One of the first things to understand regarding FTTP is that fiber optic cable has no emissions. It is not a copper cable carrying an electrical signal. It is not a Wi-Fi si...
TSTCI Rural Matters Texas
The following link provides information as to why TSTCI Rural Matters Texas. TSTCI Rural Matters Texas
Why Are Rural Calls Not Connecting
The Youtube video and article at the following link provides information as to Why Are Rural Calls Not Connecting. Why Are Rural Calls Not Connecting?
If I experience trouble with my services, where do I make a report?
We monitor our network, perform maintenance and make upgrades on a regular basis to avoid problems in our network. If you do experience a problem, please call us at 364-5611 or 611 as soon as you recognize the problem. Our friendly, experienced Customer Care and Installer/Repairmen will assist you as soon as practical.